"The Green Beret"

My Profile
W. Lou Campbell
Owner & Executive Vice President - Director of Investigative Operations - Competitive Intelligence
W. Lou Campbell Consulting, Inc.
W. Lou Campbell's Biography
Southern California
Type Of Business:
International Competitive Intelligence Services – State of The Art Reporting Analysis & Deliverables
Risk Management – Evaluation – Planning and Creating SOP Manuals to avoid compromise & failure
Conflict Resolution – Identification of Opposition – Evaluation of Strengths & Weaknesses - Fulfillment
High Level Intelligence Training – Appropriate Landscape – Recruit – Train – Terminate
Marketing Area:
National – Establishing data mining flat forms to protect assets – Collection of Lost Financial Assets
International / Intelligence Consortiums / Training Programs in Physical Security & Strategy Planning
Financial Institutions / Television Major Networks/ Providing Casting and Background Intelligence
Governmental Intelligence Agencies – Stringer Operative – Case Officer – Counterintelligence Programs
Mr. Campbell's expertise includes the investigation of white collar crime, fraud and other matters in support of litigation relating to general and institutional financial fraud; due diligence and background investigations; database design and construction; intelligence modeling; competitive intelligence; the physical security of safes and locking devices; the location and identification of lost or missing individuals; and the execution of covert operations and intelligence support activities.
Major Product/SVS:
Background Due Diligence; Litigation Support; Financial Due Diligence and Competitive Intelligence; leaving no footprints with the emphasis upon protecting our clients confidentiality at all costs. Establishing Dynamic Reporting Intelligence Reports with Analysis and Summary leading to clear concise understanding of issues and applicants weaknesses, strengths and vulnerabilities.
Favorite Business Publication:
The DROP [Special Forces Magazine]
The Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
The New York Times
The Economist
The Financial Times
Wife, Martial arts, golf, coin collecting, collecting rare books specializing in ancient philosophies and religions, ancient esoteric studies, advanced martial arts [Korean Style] – Tang So Do – Kung Fu – Northern Fists Kung Fu and learning something new every day.
Education Degrees:
MBA, Emphasis on Technology Management, University of Phoenix, Summa Cum Laude (2002); Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, University of Phoenix, Magna Cum Laude (1999); College Coursework, Extension Program, University of California, Los Angeles (1979-1980); U.S. Secret Service Academy (1971); Graduate, Special Forces Intelligence Training Graduate – S Qualified (1970); Associate of Arts in Political Science, Southwestern College (1968); Specialized Training
Affiliations Awards:
SAVTA - Safe & Vault Technicians Association (1988-Present); Safecrackers International (1988-Present); Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (1993-Present); Life Member - National Special Forces Association (1997-Present); Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (2002-Present); Former Member, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, Overseas Security Advisory Council, U.S. Department of State (1991-2000) Deputy Secretary - 12th Special Forces Association - Southern California
Throughout the duration of your career, what was the one highlight that stood out the most?
There were several highlights that served as benchmarks along life's path:
Working as Technical Security Advisor in 1970-71 to the Shah of IRAN and the head of Iran's CIA - known as SAVAK.
Being selected as a Congressional Fellow at age 16
Saving 15 Boy Scouts at age 16 from burning to death in a fire in Campo, CA and receiving the Boy Scout Medal of Honor for Lifesaving and the Andrew Carnegie Medal of Honor for Lifesaving
ARC; Various National Adoption Find Groups; Boy Scouts of America; Legal Ombudsman, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, U.S. Department of Defense
Number Of Years In Profession:
Number Of Years In Current Position:
Mr. Campbell attributes his successes to his vast life experiences; discipline; through focus and a driving force that does not except failure as an option. Also his martial arts training vastly contributed to obtaining the confidence necessary to complete most objectives, quietly and effectively, not seeking awards or recognition while keeping an eye on the objective at all times. The key to success has also centered around being "A Quiet Professional".
Why did you become involved in your profession or industry?:
Mr. Campbell became involved in his profession after serving in the U.S. government and military intelligence apparatus and working for the Intelligence Community, as well as holding other positions in the financial industry as a fraud and financial intelligence analyst. It was a challenging transition from the Public to the Private Sector.
Extended Bio Profile:
Mr. Campbell possesses a formidable but humble series of skill sets. Throughout the past 46 years, he has served in several arenas to include but not limited to being a high level intelligence analyst, Special Forces Operator, Intelligence Operative, Corporate Security Manager, Financial Intelligence Analyst, and Fraud Examiner - specializing in fraud and white collar civil and criminal investigations. While he has enabled his clients to recover more than $80 million + through the use of state-of-the database intelligence systems, he is also adept at martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, and finding people who are difficult to find. He has successfully located well over 100 missing children over the past 15 years - reuniting them with their respective families at no financial charge to the families. Mr. Campbell's extensive career has taken him to many corners of the globe; for example, he was a technical adviser to the Australian Security Intelligence Organization. He has also served at the White House during the Nixon Administration and held a top-secret cryptographic compartmentalized security clearances with the U.S. Department of Defense and Treasury Department. In addition, he is recognized as formerly one of the top five [5] safecrackers in the world - specializing in safe manipulation – holding a world record for well under three minutes. Mr. Campbell has been involved in the entertainment industry since 1978 as a research Casting Producer, Writer and member of the Writer's Guild of America since 1981, Script Adviser, Technical Adviser on several well known features and creator of action sequences. A practitioner of martial arts since 1955, he was Chuck Norris' first student in 1963 at Mr. Norris' dojo in Chula Vista, CA. Mr. Campbell utilizes his skill at finding people on behalf of the Association for the Recovery of Children (ARC) and several other Child Find Groups at no charge to the families.
Position Responsibilities and Duties:
Performing confidential silent background checks upon individual and corporate groups - locating assets, as well as secret holdings for the purpose of securing mergers and acquisitions; Handling summaries and analysis and providing due diligence reports without leaving any footprints or contamination of material offered to clients.
Education Certifications:
Fraud Examiner, Competitive Intelligence Professional, Member of the Writer's Guild of America, etc., Certified Fraud Examiner’s Association – Advanced Master – Kung Fu – Vietnamese Language School – French Language Training – Spanish Language Training – Farsi Language Training – Agent Training Course – Langley Defense Against Methods of Entry Training Course – Fort Holabird/Huachuca –
Combined Services Support Program – Operations and Advanced Intelligence Training Program – Special Forces – 75 weeks. Executive Protective Service – U.S. Secret Service Graduate – The White House – Advanced Interrogation Training Program – Fort Halobird.
Postgraduate GPA 3.89 (2002); Undergraduate GPA 3.79 (1999); Top Award, Hand-to-Hand Combat, U.S. Secret Service Academy (1971); Top 2 Percent of Class, Special Forces Advanced Intelligence Program. Boy Scout Gold Medal of Honor for Lifesaving – Double Palms – Andrew Carnegie Hero Fund Medal of Honor recipient for live saving – The American Spirit Honor Medal – 4 Presidential Unit Citations – equivalent to the Distinguished Service Cross. Airborne Jump Wings – Combat Jump Wings – Special Award for Solving White Collar Crime – Robert S. Mueller III – Director of U.S. Department of Justice – May 2006 – Special Honors – Guest Lecturer as International Safeman – International Security Conference – Sidney, Australia - 1990 – A Member of CAMBRIDGE Who’s Who Registry.