"The Green Beret"

Parade Information
2016 Salute To Veterans Parade
This Years Parade is April 30, 2016

The City of Riverside's "Salute to Veterans," is an annual event recognizing and honoring all Veterans past and present. Chapter XII has participated for the last 5 years in the parade. The Parade is held in April as to not conflict with any other parades in Southern California. Most of all because, it is the best month to insure good weather to accommodate the older Veterans, as there are Veterans as far back as World War II participating. Representing Chapter XII, are Lynn Hunt, Frank Zamarripa, Steve Douesnard, Chuck Koscinski, Bill Backer and Greg Luevano.
One may think that being in a parade as not exciting to take the time to be involved in. "Wrong?" Other than making the 2 mile walk, it is a chance to seek out prospective SF members. There are many organizations from military bands representing from the Revolutionary War to current times. many of them with members no older than 14 years of age. There are reenactment clubs representing different wars, Veteran car club, Veteran women's organizations, military vehicles from different time periods and much more.
To me the most impressive thing I enjoy is seeing are these young people, both male and female, who show their interest and repect for the military, and the Veterans who particitate.
Before the parade in the staging area, many of the people in the parade and those supporting the parade get a chance to mingle and share friendships, and meet new people. "It's a great experience to be a part of!"
Parade Staging Area and the Parade
Lynn Hunt
Frank Zamarripa

Bill Backer, Steve Douesnard and Chuck Koscinski

Frank being recruited

Chuck Talking to a couple of former SFers about becoming Members of the chapter

Meeting new people and making friends

The end of the parade. A special thanks to the Cal. Poly Riverside H.S. Jr. ROTC For their carrying of the colors

"They Loved Us"