"The Green Beret"

If you are a qualified Special Forces Trooper who is still active, recently ETS or retired and would like information in becoming a member of Chapter XII, by all means get in touch with us!!! We are always looking for new members and members of the association who have moved into the area.
As explained on the "About Us" page to be a card carrying member of the Special Forces Association you would have to fall in one of the categories listed, but that doesn't mean you can't be apart of us.
Their are those who have become "Honorary Members." Our "Honoary Members", are those persons who help the chapter with special funtions or help aid the chapter with special needs, such as information with assistance with the Department of Veterans Affairs.
We also look for sponsers to assist with special events and where we hold our meetings. As stated in "About Us" page we are a social chapter to where not only do the members support the chapter but, family and friends support it as well. Chapter XII is a part of the community and the community is part of Chapter XII.
Contact us thru the contact information listed below and we will tell more about the chapter and or send you more information about what is needed of you to become a member:
Greg O. Luevano
SFA, Chapter XII
Vice President
Email: gowithluv@aol.com
Phone: (714) 329-4243